Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 1

Okay, so I left from home around 9am, stopping by church to say goodbye to my Moppetts workers. They gave me a fabric basket and even had it embroidered. They are so caring and sweet! I love it! I've never really had anything embroidered with my name (at least since highschool besides the colorguard stuff and letter jacket). I've never had baskets, and things like that embroidered. Anyway, it's awesome and it's green! =) So I drove all day today. I drove through Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, and now I am in Longview, Texas. I will be driving again tomorrow to Amarillo, TX, stopping in Ft. Worth to visit a friend from middle school...that was a long time ago. =) Some interesting things I saw along the way was the Statue of Liberty in Alabama, some sort of motorcycle ride (not sure if race, charity, or funeral ride) in Alabama as well, and I drove through Cuba.....hehe. Cuba, Alabama that is. =) Oh funny sign, you know how we have the bridge ices before road signs? Well, I saw one that said (and I quote) "Bridge may ice in cold weather". Wow, I would never have thought! haha. Anyway, I'm at the hotel now and I'm tired, so I'm gonna get some sleep. Toodles!!

1 comment:

  1. glad to see your traveling went well day one! I am keeping you in my prayers :) thanks for giving me an avenue to be posted on your travels. see you soon! :)
    Michelle Baker
