Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 8/ Friday!

Hey all! Today was good. The day flowed very well at the clinic. We did have a panic call. What that is that someone pushes a panic button somewhere and it's announced over the PA based on room. Then you start movin'....gotta find where the panic is and help! Anyway, I bought some jewelry today. I'll attach a pic. It's a necklace earring set. It's gorgeous! =) It's pink...hehe. Well, I'm going to go to bed now. I'm pooped! Oh tomorrow I may be going to Gallop with one of the nurses I work with (a fellow traveler). In Gallop, we'll not only hang out and have fun, but also wash clothes and go shopping (like grocery). Why you might ask? Because if you wash anything remotely white on the reservation it will become a tan color due to the discoloration of the water here (leave the water running and it becomes yellowish), and shopping because prices on the reservation are expensive (extra tax and they have to ship everything in) and there isn't much selection on the reservation. So there you have it! Have a great night! Oh, I also posted a pic of the back of my car to show how filthy it is. The dust can get so bad out here and then we get a rain storm, mild at best. Good for the sinuses, bad for the red car...hehe.

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